Monthly Archives: March 2010

I have always been facinated by Technology that supports learning.It all started years ago when a chance invite took me to Cupertino to understand ‘apple’s classrooms of tomorrow’ experiment. Seeing classrooms swarming with with computers and teachers effortlesslessly integrating technology to teach and learn was an overwhelming experience especially at a time when my experience was limited to watching kids play with logo in a 286 desktop! I was like Alice in wonderland! Meeting the big man himself, David Dwyer, the distinguished scientist who headed the ACOT project taught me unforgettable lessons in change management. I understood how teachers world over feel powerless when technology ‘intrudes’ into their classrooms, how facilitating change is the key to sucess- lessons that I have used extensively in our developmental work with teachers at Srikriti. Later when the British Council sent me to visit University of Wolverhampton, I was an eager student willing to learn, try and adapt learning technologies. This journey continues…and I hope to use my blog to post my experiences in teaching teachers to integrate technology seamlessly to make learning happen. My first post would be on using podcasts.

While schools are busy spending money on equipping our classrooms with highend teaching tools like smart or promethean boards, plasma screen to beam archived images or content, I believe we need to explore the immense possibilities that the internet offers. And the best part is – most of it comes free! We can easily build an interesting teacher and learner tool kit by merely using what is already availble for free. Continue reading

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